Montag, 16. Juni 2008
Temporare garten
armaleo_bellussi_kern, 01:50h
The opening of the Temporare Garten took place on the 13 of june in the park behind Kloster strasse, just near St. Nicholas kloster where the walking around the gardens starts.
In the first day there was an introduction for the people abuot this events would go on and about what you would find there: some gardens buildt in not-conventional way and which will exist for a week or a little bit more.
Some of the installation were already buildt, some not.
In the days after all the artists helped by the RWTH students started their work or went on with their works.
The installations are to various: you can find just little installation made with objects as boards or really big installation in a field of 2200 mq.
In the “ornamental farm” for example, the artist intend to draw to huge pieces of a puzzle (43mx 31m) on a really big field cutting the grass shorter than in the rest of the space in which -he said- for a really long time all the peasants take care of the field and pastured the cows. It would be a tribute to the country life.
Quite near to this installation, just behind a pond there is a reconstruction of a sitting room with a lot of sofà and armchairs. There you can have a drink sitting on a sofà but under trees (!!!) or you can play in front of a tv with a sort of “Nintendo”. You can have two joystick with which you can make move two plastic ducks placed in the pond. .
Another artist decided to build a lot of white pieces of wood placed on the ground and connected to each other called “Passe- Partout”. It seems a simple idea if you see it at first but if you spend all the day in the park you can notice that this pieces of wood move all around the wood and while you are walking you can find suddenly these pieces in front of you when you remember to have seen them in a completly different zone...
The most strange but interesting installation was this one that I’m going to write here: I was walking through all the area dedicated to Tempoare Garten and suddenly I’ve heard some strange music coming out from I didn’t know where. It was quite as a wail or anyway a sound that I couldn’t recognize. Looking better around me I’ve found some trolleys fulled of grass and it was exactly from there that the music came out..Was The artist who explained me that the music was Tibetan (Grasland-Schneeland)..
Walking more you can find, displaced all around the area, some little pieces of grass on which an air-ballon is fixed. The funny thing is that you can bring this piece of grass with the ballon with yourself cause it’s really small...
It’s a really fun place to visit but, as an artist told to me, the only problem is that it’s out of the city and it is not so much advertised and there is not so much people around the area.
The artist explained me that in Berlin- where this event started the first time- the gardens are displaced in the city so a lot of people go around the installation even if they are going to a different place. Here it’s quite different and not so much people know about that and it’s really a pity cause it’s really funny go around there and have a look of all the gardens!
In the first day there was an introduction for the people abuot this events would go on and about what you would find there: some gardens buildt in not-conventional way and which will exist for a week or a little bit more.
Some of the installation were already buildt, some not.
In the days after all the artists helped by the RWTH students started their work or went on with their works.
The installations are to various: you can find just little installation made with objects as boards or really big installation in a field of 2200 mq.
In the “ornamental farm” for example, the artist intend to draw to huge pieces of a puzzle (43mx 31m) on a really big field cutting the grass shorter than in the rest of the space in which -he said- for a really long time all the peasants take care of the field and pastured the cows. It would be a tribute to the country life.
Quite near to this installation, just behind a pond there is a reconstruction of a sitting room with a lot of sofà and armchairs. There you can have a drink sitting on a sofà but under trees (!!!) or you can play in front of a tv with a sort of “Nintendo”. You can have two joystick with which you can make move two plastic ducks placed in the pond. .
Another artist decided to build a lot of white pieces of wood placed on the ground and connected to each other called “Passe- Partout”. It seems a simple idea if you see it at first but if you spend all the day in the park you can notice that this pieces of wood move all around the wood and while you are walking you can find suddenly these pieces in front of you when you remember to have seen them in a completly different zone...
The most strange but interesting installation was this one that I’m going to write here: I was walking through all the area dedicated to Tempoare Garten and suddenly I’ve heard some strange music coming out from I didn’t know where. It was quite as a wail or anyway a sound that I couldn’t recognize. Looking better around me I’ve found some trolleys fulled of grass and it was exactly from there that the music came out..Was The artist who explained me that the music was Tibetan (Grasland-Schneeland)..
Walking more you can find, displaced all around the area, some little pieces of grass on which an air-ballon is fixed. The funny thing is that you can bring this piece of grass with the ballon with yourself cause it’s really small...
It’s a really fun place to visit but, as an artist told to me, the only problem is that it’s out of the city and it is not so much advertised and there is not so much people around the area.
The artist explained me that in Berlin- where this event started the first time- the gardens are displaced in the city so a lot of people go around the installation even if they are going to a different place. Here it’s quite different and not so much people know about that and it’s really a pity cause it’s really funny go around there and have a look of all the gardens!
... comment
Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 17:46
Obviously it is very worthwhile to talk to the artists to understand the installations and to get further informations about the objects.
Perhaps this blog contributes to more visitors of the project.
Best, Florian & Ulrich
Perhaps this blog contributes to more visitors of the project.
Best, Florian & Ulrich
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